The ROCK Center for Youth Development programs build assets in youth. But what are these assets? And how do they help teens our community?

Assets Help Youth Thrive

Developmental Assets are identified by the Search Institute as the 40 internal and external building blocks all youth need to succeed and thrive. These assets help young people to learn new skills and make positive life choices.


The Search Institute defines Developmental Assets as the positive supports and strengths that young people need to succeed at home, at school, and in their community. External Assets include things like support from family, people at school, friends and community members, healthy boundaries and opportunities for meaningful engagement in activities. Internal Assets include values, motivations, interpersonal skills, and positive self-identity.

Our Discover You™ curriculum is implemented in classrooms and Out-of-School Time settings. The activities are designed in an evidence-based manner to build assets in the youth we serve.

Students in our programs demonstrate an increase in Developmental Assets to a statistically significant degree. The more assets youth have, the more likely they are to engage in healthy activities, choices, and relationships, and avoid unhealthy risk-taking.



The theme of our 2024 Annual Dinner was Building Assets in Youth. We invite you to join our 2025 Annual Dinner on February 27th, where the theme will be Legacy. We will honor the incredible legacy the ROCK Center for Youth Development has built in our community, while looking with excitement toward our future.